Volunteer opportunity: Neutrino “detector” assistance
What better day than Neutrino Day to introduce youngsters to the wonder of neutrinos in the world around us? To get kids (including full-grown kids) excited about neutrinos, we rely on several volunteers at multiple locations to be Neutrino “Detector” volunteers.
This activity requires stamping visitors’ hands with the “hidden neutrino” stamps and directing them to the Neutrino "Detector." These volunteers will also support the Neutrino “Detector” at the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center where visitors to reveal the handstamps collected at locations throughout the day. Volunteers will engage with young children, and answer questions about neutrinos, and Neutrino Day generally, from visitors eager to learn more.
There is little set up or clean up associated with this volunteer opportunity. Expect heavy interaction with the public, and a lot of talking and answering questions. A knowledge of Neutrino Day events and activities will be. These volunteer positions are primarily indoors. Often, these positions are near the welcome tables at the various locations, so having a knowledge of the Lead community and the Neutrino Day event is beneficial.
If you are interested in being a Neutrino “Detector” volunteer, sign up today and let us know this is what you would like to do on Neutrino Day. If you have already signed up, send us an email to add this volunteer opportunity to your request.